Please enjoy this week’s edition of Capstone Law’s Philadelphia Real Estate Trends: Radnor Township is ground zero for the latest clash between new urbanism and classic suburban living. San Diego-based BioMed Realty Trust hopes to develop the former Wyeth property near the intersection of Lancaster Avenue and I-476 into a dense and walkable mixed-use complex comprised of 320 apartments, a hotel, retail space and offices. Just a bit …
New Amusement Park for South Jersey; Revitalizing Columbus Square Park; Anthropologie to remain on Rittenhouse Square
Please enjoy this week’s edition of Capstone Law’s Philadelphia Real Estate Trends: South Jersey will soon be home to the first construction-themed amusement park in the United States. Sahara Sam’s Oasis, the owner of a water park on Route 73 in West Berlin, recently broke ground on “Diggerland Adventure Park” at 100 Pinedge Drive in West Berlin. At Diggerland, visitors will ride full-size construction equipment. This will be the …